A new show titled ‘House Rules’ has launched on YouTube, and it opens with the eccentric Denrele Edun who is getting fans excited with some of the answers and shocking revelations he gave on the show. House Rules, a unique kind of reality interview show which features four hosts had …
Denrele Edun and Linda Ikeji’s have an enviable friendship story which goes way back to their days as students at the University Of Lagos. According to Denrele, Linda always came …
via Nigerian Entertainment Today – Nigeria’s Top Website for News, Gossip, Comedy, Videos, Blogs, Events...
Denrele Edun in an Interview ''Unapologetically Denrele'' with GUARDIAN Life talks about the price he had to pay for fame.
''When I didn’t have a car, conductors would push me out of the buses and they would shout about a mad man on the loose when I was in Unilag people used to stone me...
Popular Nigerian entertainer Denrele Edun landed a feature on CNN African Voices where he talked about his personal style, his career and family.
“My grandma would wake up in the morning and start crying and lamenting that her grandchild was running mad, and I might be admitted to a...
Denrele Edun has finally explained why Charly Boy kissed him on the lips, five years after the photo was leaked online.
Speaking during an appearance on NTA, Denrele said, the picture emanated following a movie they were shooting about two different generations with similarities.
“We were...
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