fg and nlc

  1. NLC and TUC Suspend Strike Following Government Commitment to Higher Minimum Wage

    Nigeria NLC and TUC Suspend Strike Following Government Commitment to Higher Minimum Wage

    Organised Labour, comprising the NLC and TUC, suspended their strike for five days as negotiations with the government commence. The Federal Government, after a six-hour meeting, committed to raising the minimum wage above N60,000. The Tripartite Committee will meet daily to finalize the new...
  2. Federal Government, Labour Unions Settle on Minimum Wage Above N60,000 Amid Strike"

    Nigeria Federal Government, Labour Unions Settle on Minimum Wage Above N60,000 Amid Strike"

    The Nigerian government and labour unions have agreed on a new minimum wage exceeding N60,000 after a crucial meeting. This follows a nationwide strike demanding higher wages. The federal government and organized labour have agreed to establish a new minimum wage exceeding N60,000. This...