globus bank

  1. Tragic Suicide: Banker Amarachi Ugochukwu Struggled with Multiple Jobs

    Nigeria Tragic Suicide: Banker Amarachi Ugochukwu Struggled with Multiple Jobs

    The life of 32-year-old banker Amarachi Ugochukwu took a tragic downturn as she was found dead in the restroom of her workplace, having consumed insecticide. Amarachi, who worked at a bank in Ikorodu, had been silently grappling with the challenges of combining her demanding banking career with...
  2. Economic Despair: Tragic Suicide at Globus Bank Exposes Struggles Amidst Nigeria's Challenging Financial Climate

    Nigeria Economic Despair: Tragic Suicide at Globus Bank Exposes Struggles Amidst Nigeria's Challenging Financial Climate

    In a heartbreaking incident at Globus Bank in Ikorodu, Amarachi, a staff member, allegedly took her own life by consuming a poisonous substance, citing the deteriorating economy among the factors leading to her decision. Amarachi's image circulated on social media alongside a note where she...