
  1. Cholera Outbreak in Nigeria: How to Protect Yourself and Your Family

    Disease & Conditions Cholera Outbreak in Nigeria: How to Protect Yourself and Your Family

    Summary: Nigeria faces a severe cholera outbreak, with over 1,100 cases reported. This article provides essential tips to protect yourself and your family, including ensuring safe drinking water, practicing good hand hygiene, maintaining proper sanitation, and safe food practices. Early...
  2. naija questions

    General Health Wash Your Hands Immediately After Touching These 10 Things – Readers digest

    Washing your hands is a given if you want to avoid germs—but it’s especially important after touching these microbe magnets. Washing your hands is essential to good hygiene, stopping germs in their tracks. … Read more via The Family Handyman http://bit.ly/2TWuz9W
  3. naija questions

    Sexual Health Feminine hygiene: how to keep your vagina clean and healthy – Netdoctor

    aginal cleaning is more of a hot topic than ever before. With new products such as douches and perfumes being released every week, it's enough to make any woman question whether she should be doing more to keep her vagina clean... Read more via “sexual health” – Google News http://bit.ly/2PHyXZK
  4. M

    7 Health Tips For The New Year

    As the year gradually winds up and the New Year beckons, it has become necessary to reflect on the outgoing year with a view to changing some bad habits while imbibing healthy lifestyles that will guarantee your sound health in the New Year. Furthermore, it's interesting to know that while many...