Alfred Illiya Ajang, representing Jos South and East, has defected from the Labour Party (LP) to the All Progressives Congress (APC), citing internal crises within the LP. His defection follows that of another LP lawmaker, adding to the growing list of federal lawmakers leaving the opposition...
The Labour Party has appointed Senator Esther Nenadi Usman as its Caretaker Committee Chairman, following a stakeholders meeting led by Peter Obi and Alex Otti. The committee aims to resolve leadership disputes within 90 days. However, embattled chairman Julius Abure rejects the decision...
The Labour Party (LP) is embroiled in a tumultuous upheaval as internal strife and discontent reach a fever pitch, culminating in a dramatic standoff at the party's national secretariat and state offices last week. The crisis, which has been simmering since the aftermath of the 2023 general...
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