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    General Health Why Loneliness Hurts So Much, According to Science – Next Big Idea Club

  2. naija questions

    General Health Do you like being alone? Here are 5 things you might not know about yourself - theepochtimes.com

    By definition, nobody enjoys being lonely. But there’s a huge difference between not having anyone in your life and enjoying being alone. While in today’s world, most people might think that being a chatty socialite will get you ahead in life and work, today we’ll look at five of the … Read...
  3. W

    General Health Can depression be as a result of over thinking or social media pressure?

    Depression is not just sadness. Depression is the inability to do even the most basic ordinary day-to-day activities. The inability to get out of bed. The inability to leave the house. Finding it painful to partake in everyday routines. Depressed is to feel betrayed by your own body. What is...
  4. naija questions

    General Health Everyone Deals With Loneliness. These Therapist-Approved Strategies Can Help – Prevention

    These days, we’re more connected than ever—you can FaceTime with your husband during his business trip abroad or plan a vacation with friends around the country via iMessage. Still, nearly half of Americans report feeling lonely nearly all of the time, according to a 2018 survey of 20,000 people...
  5. naija questions

    General Health How to be alone without being lonely, regardless of your relationship status – Well+Good

    Christina Aguilera and Ricky Martin once said (or rather, crooned), “Nobody wants to be lonely.” And that sentiment rings especially true around the holidays. Whether you’re single and wishing you had a cuffing-season partner, or you’re in a committed relationship and various obligations (or...
  6. naija questions

    General Health There are 4 types of loneliness. Here’s how to beat them – Stylist

    Emotional loneliness “Those who are emotionally lonely will find it difficult to improve things without tackling the root of the problem,” says Dr Spelman. “Emotional loneliness is not circumstantial but, rather, comes from within.” Dr Spelman recommends therapy to help tackle the root cause...