Malia Obama’s boyfriend has been revealed to be a former British public schoolboy who met the former first daughter at Harvard University. Rory Farquharson, a former head boy at the prestigious Rugby School, was linked to Barack Obama’s eldest daughter after footage emerged appearing to show...
There was plenty of love – and laughter – as former First Daughter Malia Obama was spotted enjoying the company of her British beau, Rory Farquharson, in New York city at the weekend. Rory first entered the media spotlight, when he was caught passionately kissing President Barack Obama’s eldest...
The oldest daughter of Barack and Michelle Obama, Malia, has moved into her room in Harvard to start her officially start her life as a college student.
The 19-year old was joined by her parents and some members of the Secret Service in a two-SUV envoy, as they managed to sneak in, despite...
barack and michelle obama
harvard law school
maliaobamamaliaobama resumes in harvard
Jenna and Barbara Bush have penned a letter to Malia and Sasha Obama as they prepare to leave the white house.
Malia and Sasha, eight years ago on a cold November day, we greeted you on the steps of the White House. We saw both the light and wariness in your eyes as you gazed at your new...
Malia Obama, President Barack Obama's 18-year old daughter has finally reacted to reports that she was smoking weed during the Lollapalooza music festival.
Videos of the teenager allegedly smoking were posted online weeks ago. In a move considered a response to the smoking video, Malia was...
On Wednesday evening, a video of Malia Obama, President Barack Obama's 18-year old daughter smoking something that is allegedly weed was posted online.
The video was reportedly made at the Lollapalooza music festival last weekend. This will not be the teenager will be in the news for...
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