Mark Angel, a renowned comedian, announced during a TikTok Live that he is no longer managing child stars Emmanuella and Success. The decision marks a significant shift in their professional relationship. Fans have reacted with curiosity, speculating on reasons behind the change while...
Comedian Denilson Igwe alleges financial misconduct by Mark Angel, claiming he founded Mark Angel Comedy but was kept in the dark about monetization. Igwe says he received minimal compensation while the Facebook page generated significant revenue. He also claims Emmanuella was underpaid.
In a...
In a recent revelation on The Honest Bunch Podcast, veteran Nigerian comedian Alibaba, Atunyota Alleluya Akpobome, disclosed that skit maker Mark Angel is one of the wealthiest comedians in the country, earning a staggering $300,000 per month. Alibaba emphasized that Angel's discreet nature...
Mark Angel Comedy have broken YouTube record to be the first ever YouTube channel in Nigeria to surpass a million subscribers’ milestone.
Mark Angel Comedy has meteorically risen to be the most viewed comedy channel in Nigeria and favorite channel for many who have countless episodes of the...
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