palliative distribution

  1. Bishop Kukah Slams Palliative Distribution Amid Nigeria's Crisis

    Nigeria Bishop Kukah Slams Palliative Distribution Amid Nigeria's Crisis

    Amid Nigeria's ongoing economic struggles, Bishop Matthew Kukah of the Sokoto Diocese has castigated the distribution method of palliatives intended to alleviate the nation's hardships. Following the removal of fuel subsidies and implementation of various economic policies, governments at all...
  2. [Video] Breadline Despair: Nigerians Flogged As They Lined Up For 100 Naira Bread in Lagos

    Nigeria [Video] Breadline Despair: Nigerians Flogged As They Lined Up For 100 Naira Bread in Lagos

    In a disheartening turn of events, residents of Lagos Island gathered in hopes of receiving palliatives found themselves subjected to the sting of a cane along with their much-needed free bread. The distribution, intended to alleviate the economic hardships plaguing the nation, took an...