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    Entertainment ‘Porn is destructive, I was celibate for 6months’ – American actor, Orlando Bloom – Daily Post Nigeria
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    Sexual Health Adam Lazarus: 'If you don't teach your son about sex, porn will' - The Guardian UK
  3. naija questions

    Sexual Health Why Do Women Love Lesbian Porn? – mindbodygreen

    "In general, women tend to like lesbian porn because lesbian porn shows sex that emphasizes female pleasure," Marin explains. "Heterosexual porn is typically made to emphasize male pleasure, so there isn’t much in it for women!" Indeed, porn categories involving men and women usually depict...
  4. naija questions

    Sexual Health Want To Cut Down On Your XXX Viewing Habits? Read This – AskMen

    Ask anyone born before 1985 what their formative experiences with pornography were and you’re likely to hear tales of stolen porn mags or smuggled VHS tapes. But more than the media, the rarity was what seemed to mark these moments — prior to modern internet porn’s widespread use, erotica was...
  5. naija questions

    Sexual Health 9 things the porn industry gets right when it comes to STIs –

    Adult performers rely on their bodies for their livelihood, so they tend to take very good care of them. “If you really want to fuck like a porn star,” says adult performer Michael Vegas, “then you need to get tested and know your status.” … Read more via – Nigeria’s entertainment &...
  6. naija questions

    Sexual Health What Your Tastes in Porn Say About You – OZY

    EUGENE, SIR: This is going to be one of those “discovering your partner has weird tastes in porno” questions. Based on his browser history, my boyfriend appears to very much likes the Japanese porn in which unwanted touching on a train leads … Read more via OZY
  7. naija questions

    Sexual Health Is Your Husband A Porn Addict? – Fatherly

    Pornography addicts were often victims of child abuse. They struggle with intimacy and, even after years of therapy, may struggle to manage their sexual impulses and engage in healthy romantic relationships. But according to the American Psychiatric Association, they don’t exist. Porn...
  8. Nigeria News

    Entertainment Porn execs reveal if spoofs will be made about Harvey Weinstein’s sex abuse scandal – IBTIMES.CO.UK.

    Harvey Weinstein at an event last year Getty Images The Harvey Weinstein will not be parodied by the porn industry because the allegations made against him are ”too low,” it has been reported. The shamed American movie producer, 65, who has been accused of sexually harassing over 80 … via...
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    [Video] How Online Porn and No-Sex Marriages Destroys Lives

    Love? Marriage? Sex? Can a married couple have all three? Perhaps it’s unrealistic since so many marriages end in divorce today. Why is that? One reason might be that a reported 20% of all marriages are sexless and that number is rising.
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    [Video] Why I stopped watching porn | Ran Gavrieli | TEDxJaffa

    Ran Gavrieli lives in Tel Aviv and studies gender at Tel Aviv University. He works with youth and adults all over the country in sex and gender studies and in building positive self image in a world inundated by sexual imagery with negative connotations.