Controversial Onitsha-based pastor, Chukwuemeka Odumeje, commonly known as "The Lion Himself," is set to host a "comedy" show in London, UK, on April 13, sparking both anticipation and criticism. The event, scheduled at the Lighthouse Theatre, boasts an evening of laughter and entertainment...
Prophet Chukwuemeka Ohanemere, also known as Odumeje, of the Mountain of Holy Ghost Intervention and Deliverance Ministry, claimed in a video during a church program that the exchange rate of the dollar to the naira decreased because of his 'Abidoshaker' power.
This assertion comes as the...
Renowned spiritual leader Odumeje, known as "Indaboski," creates a stir as he performs a deliverance for a Reverend Sister, capturing attention and sparking discussions within the spiritual community.
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