the epoch times articles

  1. naija questions

    General Health Don’t Ignore These Breast Cancer Signs & Symptoms—If You Have 1 or More, Do See Your Doctor –

    If you’re a woman, there’s a roughly one-in-eight chance that you’ll end up with breast cancer during your lifetime. Therefore, it’s more than worth it to know exactly how to detect your risk—no matter what your symptoms may be. Every year, over 7 million people die from some form of … Read...
  2. naija questions

    General Health The Fruit You’ve Never Heard of: 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Okra –

    From the United States to Ethiopia, there aren’t many places that you won’t find people eating okra, or “ladies’ fingers.” The small, green pods are found in cultural dishes across the globe, used to serve up as side dishes and accent pastas and casseroles. They can be grilled, fried, sautéed...
  3. naija questions

    Sexual Health 5 Signs of Low Testosterone –

    As we age, we begin to experience many different changes to our bodies and health. For men, one of these significant changes is a reduction in testosterone, which can lead to unwanted symptoms. But how can you tell if you are enduring regular changes or if they are a result … Read more via...
  4. naija questions

    General Health Serious Heat: 8 Ailments Ginger Tea Can Help Remedy–Do You Suffer From Arthritis or Tooth Decay? –

    If you don’t already keep ginger on hand for cooking, you really should, as ginger is one of the healthiest spices on the planet. Besides enhancing our foods with a hot, zesty flavor, ginger has also been used for its medicinal purposes for over 2,000 years by various cultures in … Read...