Sexually Transmitted Diseases are diseases that are primarily transmitted through sexual activities which are not limited to penetrative sex; they can also be transmitted through oral and anal sex. Many people suffer from STDs in silence with most being overly shy to talk about it and to also see a doctor because they believe it’s a stigma.
Because people don’t know how to avoid them is why there is an increased frequency of contracting STDs. If a person is unaware that they have a disease they could spread it all over the place. It is best to seek early diagnosis and treatment because most STDs have terrible consequences if not treated early. Here is a list of STD’s you should watch out for:
1. Chlamydia:
This is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases and it is caused by bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis. The most common symptoms of this include abnormal genital discharge and burning while urinating. Both females and males can have this disease. If you do not treat it, it can cause abdominal pain, fever, pain during intercourse, lower back pain and nausea, as well as infertility. These infections can be treated with antibiotic therapy.
2. AIDS:
AIDS is an abbreviation for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. It is probably the most life threatening sexually transmitted disease in the world today. It is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus and is considered an STD because the virus can be found in all body fluids.
This includes saliva, vaginal discharge and sperm amongst others. This is a serious disease because there is no known cure, though there is long-term treatment for those infected with HIV, the pre-cursor to AIDS. AIDS is fatal, and easily preventable — simple use of condoms can prevent its spread.
3. HPV: HPV or the Human Papilloma Virus is a hugely common STD and it is known that at least one quarter of the population of women have the virus. It has also been stated that half the population of people are infected by HPV. Warts are a good idea that you have contacted HPV.
4. Genital Warts: This is another common sexually transmitted disease that is caused by the Human Papilloma virus. The most common symptom that one experiences when they have this is a skin formation called condyloma.
Condylomas appear on the genitals and can spread to the skin that is surrounding them.
They are highly contagious can produce symptoms such as muscle aches, headache, pain while urinating, burning itching or swollen glands in the genital area.
Genital warts are highly contagious, and the virus that causes them can lead to cervical cancer.
5. Hepatitis B: This is another one of those common sexually transmitted diseases. In most cases, it can be caused by infected needles, but sexual intercourse is another way you can get infected with Hepatitis B. It does not cause much changes to the genitals. Primarily, it hits the liver and causes cirrhosis, inflammation and even cancer.
6. Gonorrhea: This is a serious sexually transmitted disease that is caused by the bacterium known as Neisseria Gonorrheae. In many cases, the female will not show symptoms. For men, it can cause a white, yellow or green discharge coming from the penis and there may be pain while urinating. Antibiotics can cure it.
7. Syphilis: This is a very serious transmitted disease and if you leave it untreated, it will become deadly. It is caused by bacterium that is spiral-shaped and is called Treponema Pallidum. Throughout the years, this disease has dramatically increased. Many say that this is because the starting of this disease goes undetected. Later, it attacks the heart, brain and nearly all internal organs.
8. Public Lice (Crabs) and Scabies: Lice are parasites that live in the hair. Scabies are mites that burrow down into the skin in the genital area, hands, fingers and chest hair. You mostly get them from sexual contact or having close physical contact with others. They can also be on bedding, clothing, toilet seats and towels that are infected.
9. Trichomoniasis: Trichomoniasis is an infection of the vagina for women and the urethra for men.
It is caused by small parasites that live in areas of the body that are moist. You can get it through sexual contact. It can also spread by bathing suits, towels and washcloths shared by an infected individual. The parasite can live outside the body for hours.
10. Herpes: The Herpes virus causes sores that appear on the vaginal area, penis and/or the anus.
Sometimes, it can appear around the mouth. There is no cure, only medical treatment is available.
Herpes is something that never goes away, so it can return, and it is contagious even when there are no visible sores. A patient can have anywhere from four to seven flare ups each year. This is the silent disease. Your partner could have it and you would never notice it.
Source: allwomenstalk

Because people don’t know how to avoid them is why there is an increased frequency of contracting STDs. If a person is unaware that they have a disease they could spread it all over the place. It is best to seek early diagnosis and treatment because most STDs have terrible consequences if not treated early. Here is a list of STD’s you should watch out for:
1. Chlamydia:
This is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases and it is caused by bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis. The most common symptoms of this include abnormal genital discharge and burning while urinating. Both females and males can have this disease. If you do not treat it, it can cause abdominal pain, fever, pain during intercourse, lower back pain and nausea, as well as infertility. These infections can be treated with antibiotic therapy.
2. AIDS:
AIDS is an abbreviation for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. It is probably the most life threatening sexually transmitted disease in the world today. It is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus and is considered an STD because the virus can be found in all body fluids.
This includes saliva, vaginal discharge and sperm amongst others. This is a serious disease because there is no known cure, though there is long-term treatment for those infected with HIV, the pre-cursor to AIDS. AIDS is fatal, and easily preventable — simple use of condoms can prevent its spread.
3. HPV: HPV or the Human Papilloma Virus is a hugely common STD and it is known that at least one quarter of the population of women have the virus. It has also been stated that half the population of people are infected by HPV. Warts are a good idea that you have contacted HPV.
4. Genital Warts: This is another common sexually transmitted disease that is caused by the Human Papilloma virus. The most common symptom that one experiences when they have this is a skin formation called condyloma.
Condylomas appear on the genitals and can spread to the skin that is surrounding them.
They are highly contagious can produce symptoms such as muscle aches, headache, pain while urinating, burning itching or swollen glands in the genital area.
Genital warts are highly contagious, and the virus that causes them can lead to cervical cancer.
5. Hepatitis B: This is another one of those common sexually transmitted diseases. In most cases, it can be caused by infected needles, but sexual intercourse is another way you can get infected with Hepatitis B. It does not cause much changes to the genitals. Primarily, it hits the liver and causes cirrhosis, inflammation and even cancer.
6. Gonorrhea: This is a serious sexually transmitted disease that is caused by the bacterium known as Neisseria Gonorrheae. In many cases, the female will not show symptoms. For men, it can cause a white, yellow or green discharge coming from the penis and there may be pain while urinating. Antibiotics can cure it.
7. Syphilis: This is a very serious transmitted disease and if you leave it untreated, it will become deadly. It is caused by bacterium that is spiral-shaped and is called Treponema Pallidum. Throughout the years, this disease has dramatically increased. Many say that this is because the starting of this disease goes undetected. Later, it attacks the heart, brain and nearly all internal organs.
8. Public Lice (Crabs) and Scabies: Lice are parasites that live in the hair. Scabies are mites that burrow down into the skin in the genital area, hands, fingers and chest hair. You mostly get them from sexual contact or having close physical contact with others. They can also be on bedding, clothing, toilet seats and towels that are infected.
9. Trichomoniasis: Trichomoniasis is an infection of the vagina for women and the urethra for men.
It is caused by small parasites that live in areas of the body that are moist. You can get it through sexual contact. It can also spread by bathing suits, towels and washcloths shared by an infected individual. The parasite can live outside the body for hours.
10. Herpes: The Herpes virus causes sores that appear on the vaginal area, penis and/or the anus.
Sometimes, it can appear around the mouth. There is no cure, only medical treatment is available.
Herpes is something that never goes away, so it can return, and it is contagious even when there are no visible sores. A patient can have anywhere from four to seven flare ups each year. This is the silent disease. Your partner could have it and you would never notice it.
Source: allwomenstalk