World 20-yr-Old Female Student Gets An Award For Having Sex With 3 Different Men Every Week- Nigerian Eye

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A computer science student in the UK who boasts of sleeping with up to three men every week has been named Britain's Horniest Student after entering a degrading online competition.

Elina Desaine, 20, doesn't even know the names of all her sexual partners, but tries to keep track with handwritten list using descriptions such as 'French guy' and 'third year' to recall her trysts.

The University of Exeter student received £500 and a year's supply of condoms after winning the competition run by controversial 'no strings attached fun' website,

Source: Nigerian Eye

see more at

horny student.jpg
This is a total humiliation to the prostitution profession. What is three different men a week? That cannot be an achievement.

Hello? Do they think prostitutes keep a diary where they store their client names? "...Don't know the names of all her sex partners..." At least you know some!

We fail to give due credit and recognition to all the hardworking prostitute in UK. I am offended that such efforts cannot be appreciated. What else do we require of them?

Three different men a week.. **scoffs**
LOOOOOOL. Shagatuni. LMAO. People are mad. I hope this girl's parents are proud.

That's right. The line in @Lequte's story: "degrading online competition" - the only thing you get from this is humiliating publicity, and this girl has just ruined her chances of getting a good job in the future.

But then again, if she was really thinking about her future, she wouldn't have entered the competition now, would she?

There are two infinite things, right? Human stupidity and the universe, and we are not even sure about the universe.
