
Have you experienced tooth ache before? Or you are just experiencing it? It could really, really, be a terrible situation to find oneself. You should ask yourself why your tooth hurts. The seriousness of toothache varies from mild to severe. The pain may only last for a few minutes but it can also become chronic. Tooth pain or toothache may be caused by taking cold or hot drinks, an injury or other various dental conditions. Sometimes, the pain may also originate from around the jaw. Here is a look at some of the causes of tooth aches.

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Image: news.health.com

Tooth Cavity
A dental cavity is simply a structural damage or hole in a tooth. The bacteria in the mouth consume the starch and sugars from food lodged between the teeth. This generates certain acid that corrodes the teeth enamel slowly which eventually leaves a hole in the tooth. If this hole reaches the pulp cavity, the nerves will be exposed, leading to teeth sensitivity and pain.

Pulp Inflammation
This condition is also referred to as the pulpitis. It is a condition whereby the central part of the tooth, known as the pulp, becomes irritated and swollen. This inflammation increases the pressure within the tooth, releases it on other tooth tissues and leads to tooth pain. The severity of this condition varies from mild to extreme. If you are suffering from this condition, it is vital that you seek medical attention to ease the pain and cure the condition.

Dental Abscess

Dental abscess is a condition where the tooth pulp is infected due to a bacterial build-up. This infection then try to drain through the root tips of the tooth. This will cause inflation of tissues and pain with time, especially if not taken care of. In most cases, this infection is easy to see through a dental x-ray.

Cracked Tooth

Over time, teeth may be weakened due to pressure caused by biting and chewing of food. Biting on hard food, such as popcorn kernel and ice, may also cause the teeth to crack. Some of the symptoms of cracked tooth include: pain when biting and chewing foods, sensitivity of teeth to sour, sweet, cold or hot foods and drinks. Treatment for this condition varies depending on the severity, direction and location of the crack.

Gum Disease

Periodontitis and gingivitis are some of the most common dental infections. These diseases affect the gums that hold the teeth in place leading to gum deterioration. The gums become detached from the teeth that encourages the buildup of bacteria. Then the root of the teeth is exposed, vulnerable to decay and sore.

Sensitivity of Tooth

The toothache may also be caused by tooth sensitivity to cold or hot air, foods and drinks. If your teeth are sensitive, you will experience sharp pain when your teeth come into contact with such items. To combat this, your dentist may advise you to brush your teeth with special toothpastes, such as Sensodyne, which are specially formulated for sensitive teeth. Alternatively, the dentist may also apply fluoride to the teeth to minimize sensitivity. Regardless of the severity, you should notify your dentist whenever you experience dental sensitivity.

Sinus Infection

Tooth pain may also be caused by non-dental causes. Sinus congestion or sinus infection may lead to tooth sensitivity. Sometimes the pain caused by this infection can feel a lot like having a toothache, especially on the upper teeth because they are situated just under the sinus cavities. If your dentist suspects this to be the cause of your tooth pain, he or she may use a decongestant to relieve the pain.

Self medication may not be good for you. You should visit a dentist to determine the cause of any of the above-listed causes of tooth pain and the best way to cure it.