Africa's mobile data business to be worth US$23 billion in 2018 - Bizcommunity


Findings from research commissioned by Informa Telecoms & Media in July 2013 on trends in global mobile data usage shows that the rise in digital service usage will drive Africa's mobile data business to be worth US$23 billion in 2018.

Of the 12 countries surveyed (a range of developed and developing markets), South Africans are the fourth biggest spenders, behind consumers in the US, Saudi Arabia and the UK*.

This is illustrative of a trend across the African telecoms market. The continent's mobile data business is currently worth US$8.5 billion a year and will exceed US$23 billion in 2018. "It is consumer demand that is driving this growth", explains Nick Jotischky, principal analyst at Informa Telecoms & Media. "But retail prices are still too high, smartphones are too expensive and there continues to be a lack of investment in connecting parts of rural Africa: These are barriers restraining even greater consumer demand."

Source: Biz Community

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