Entertainment Bisi Alimi - Why I'm Joining Politics



Bisi Alimi, Nigerian Gay activist has explained why he's going into politics .

He dropped his explanation on Social network . See post below :

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"It's been a year since I made my first return trip back to Nigeria after 8. I wrote this piece on Facebook a year ago, the only thing that has changed has been the harsh economic situations over 80% of Nigerians found themselves now. The poor has become poorer. The indifference of the political class is of concern and the religious organisations are abandoning their responsibility to the poor while they enrich themselves. This is the reason I will be going into politics because, you don't pray change into being, you forced it into being. This won't be change like before. No it won't be business as usual. This will be change driven by the audacity to hope," Alimi wrote.