Nigeria - Anti corruption boss Ibrahim Lamorde has denied allegations that $5bn (£3.2bn) has gone missing at the commission he heads.
A Senate committee is currently investigating charges that assets and cash recovered by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) were diverted with the chairman involved.
However Mr Lamorde said it was a smear campaign, as the EFCC was prosecuting the man making the allegations.
He said even if all the money recovered by the EFCC was added up, together with its funding from government, it would not total $5bn.
"How can we divert an amount we don't have?" he asked.
He added that the exact figures of seized assets was in the process of being audited by a reputable firm.
"We want to have a comprehensive report that could stand the test of time… from the day the commission was created in April 2003 to date… so that we can put it in [a] public space and any person who has issues with that can challenge it."
A Senate committee is currently investigating charges that assets and cash recovered by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) were diverted with the chairman involved.
However Mr Lamorde said it was a smear campaign, as the EFCC was prosecuting the man making the allegations.

He said even if all the money recovered by the EFCC was added up, together with its funding from government, it would not total $5bn.
"How can we divert an amount we don't have?" he asked.
He added that the exact figures of seized assets was in the process of being audited by a reputable firm.
"We want to have a comprehensive report that could stand the test of time… from the day the commission was created in April 2003 to date… so that we can put it in [a] public space and any person who has issues with that can challenge it."