Politics Fani-Kayode blasts CBN governor, Lamido Sanusi over comment on Yorubas - Osun Defender [Archive]


“In sum, the Yoruba political leadership, as mentioned by Balarabe Musa, has shown itself over the years to be incapable of rising above narrow tribal interests and reciprocating goodwill from other sections of the country by treating other groups with respect. Practically every crisis in Nigeria since independence has its roots in this attitude. The Yoruba elite were the first, in 1962, to attempt a violent overthrow of an elected government in this country. In 1966, it was the violence in the West which provided an avenue for the putsch of 15th January. After Chief Awolowo lost to Shagari in 1983 elections, it was the discontent and bad publicity in the South-West which led to the Buhari intervention”- LAMIDO SANUSI LAMIDO.

These are the ignorant and historically inaccurate commentaries of a leading member of the ”Cult Of Born To Rule”. They are the words of a man that is serving as the Governor of Central Bank in the most corrupt, incompetent and shameful government in the history of Nigeria. They are the words of a man who, with his own mouth, has admitted that billions of dollars have been stolen by leading officials of the government that he serves yet who did not have the courage to resign.

Before I can find the time or muster the inclination to respond to such a man and to such garbage I would have to insist that Sanusi first tells us what he learnt from Osama Bin Ladin and Al Turabi when he spent a number of years in the Sudan in the early 90′s.

He will also have to tell us who, after his return to Nigeria, killed Gideon Akaluka in Kano in the mid-90′s and who incited, funded and organized the crowd that dragged the poor man out of a police cell, beheaded him, placed his head on top of a pole and paraded it around the streets of Kano for allegedly desecrating the Koran.

If Sanusi can answer those questions succinctly and honestly then I will do him the honour of responding to his absurd and historically inaccurate submissions about the Yoruba and I will educate him about the history and record of performance of his own people. Until then I will not waste any of my valuable time or energy on him. He has nothing but my utter scorn and contempt.

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Source: Osun Defender
