Metro Full List: Luxury Items Forfeited By Diezani – Sahara Reporters

The Nigerian Government has just taken possession of forty million United State Dollars worth of pieces of jewelry from Deizani Allison-Madueke, a former minister of petroleum. Here is the list of items forfeited to the government: See Also Corruption Buhari’s Government Seizes Diezani’s 2,149 Pieces of Jewellery, customized …

Description Quantity

Expensive Bangles 419

Expensive rings 315

Expensive earrings 304

Expensive necklace 267

Expensive wrist watch 189

Expensive necklace and earrings 174

Expensive bracelet 78

Expensive Brooch 77

Expensive Pendants 74

Expensive necklace 48

Expensive necklace, bracelet, earrings and rings 44

Expensive necklace, earrings and rings 32

Expensive pendants and earrings 30

Expensive necklace and bracelets 18

Expensive earrings and rings 15

Expensive earrings, rings and bracelets 12

Expensive cufflinks 11

Expensive pendants earrings and rings 6

Expensive single earrings 5

Expensive bracelets and earrings 5

Expensive bracelets and single earrings 3

Expensive necklace and ring 3

Expensive travel clocks 3

Expensive brooch and cufflinks 3

Expensive pendants and rings 2

Expensive bracelet earrings and rigs 1

Expensive bangles and earrings 1

Expensive necklace, ring and bracelet 1

Expensive bangle, ring and brooch 1

Expensive necklace, earrings and 2 bracelets 4

Expensive bangle and ring 1

Expensive brooch and earrings 1

Necklace and two pairs of earrings 3

Customized gold iPhone 1

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