Business FX Reserves: Egypt Floats Currency, Surpasses Nigeria for First Time in 6 Years



Egypt’s foreign-exchange reserves for the first time in 6 years, have overtaken Nigeria’s, according to a report from Bloomberg.

2011 was the last time the north African country had a more robust foreign exchange reserve than Africa's most populous nation.

In November, Egypt floated the pound and secured international monetary funding. It has seen overseas holdings of local-currency bonds soar to $7.5 billion from just $100 million earlier.

In Nigeria, where the central bank has tried to manage the naira instead of freeing it, reserves fell 2.3 percent last month.

The lesson: Sometimes it's better to let the market tell you what the rate should be, than the other way around.


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Lesson 2: Sometimes, you should be careful of liberation of the market, especially when the ideas and suggestions, is coming from the West and his team.
Lesson 2: Sometimes, you should be careful of liberation of the market, especially when the ideas and suggestions, is coming from the West and his team.
Sir. Care to elaborate on this, putting Nigeria in mind?