World German Cartoonist Apologizes Over Offensive ‘Anti-semitic’ Mark Zuckerberg Cartoon


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German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, has come under accusation of anti-Semitism after publishing a cartoon which depicted Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, as an octopus.

The cartoon, which was published in the newspaper on Friday last week was drawn by Burkhad Mohr, was, according to the cartoonist, intended to show Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp in the same week.

In the drawing, the 29-year old Facebook founder was shown as having a hooked nose, fleshy lips and curly hair, features commonly ascribed to the Jewish people in Nazi cartoons.

Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre said the cartoon was starkly reminiscent of cartoons from the anti-Semitic Nazi regime. ‘f anyone has any doubts about the anti-Semitic dimension of the cartoon, we can point to Mark Zuckerberg’s very prominent nose, which is not the case in real life,’ he said, adding that the cartoon is ‘absolutely disgusting!’

The newspaper has since apologized on twitter, stating quite simply: “We apologize for the cartoon.”

Mr Mohr has released an updated version of the cartoon, this time instead of Zuckerberg’s face, there’s a blank rectangular hole.