Politics Jonathan is Reliving the History of Idi Amin - PM News


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By using the military to intimidate his perceived opponents, President Goodluck Jonathan is making the same mistake many African leaders before him had made, and regrettably paid for it. In 1966, self-declared executive President of Uganda, Milton Obote, used Idi Amin, whom he had promoted to colonel and army commander, to send King Mutesa II of Buganda into exile. Mutesa was a ceremonial president while Obote was Prime Minister.

Obote continued to use Idi Amin to oppress the people and crush his opponents until Amin overthrew him on 25 January 1971 while he was attending a Commonwealth summit in Singapore.

Troops loyal to Amin sealed off Entebbe International Airport and took Kampala. Soldiers surrounded Obote’s residence and blocked major roads. A broadcast on Radio Uganda accused Obote’s government of corruption and preferential treatement to the Lango region.

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Source: #PMNews