Masturbation: A Major Cause Of Varicocele, Infertility Among Men - Leadership


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Varicocele is a varicose vein in the scrotum. Much like the appearance of varicose veins in legs, the varicocele can be best seen or felt when standing. In the standing position, men with varicoceles may note fullness around or above the testicles. This fullness should disappear when lying down. This is called “reflux” when blood travels the wrong way (backwards) through a vein called the testicular vein.

Masturbation is, of course, a common cause of varicocele, but mental incontinence is just as likely to produce it. Ungratified sex excitement, frequently repeated, is almost certain to cause it to a greater or less degree. But if one is much debilitated, with tissues lacking in tone and circulation weak, one may possibly develop varicocele without any specific abuse. Tight clothing may have something to do with it. Constipation is a cause in many instances. The wearing of a truss, the presence of a tumor, or any other obstruction to the circulation, might cause it.

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Source: Leadership
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