Politics National Conference:List of Committee Members Released, Nigerian Youths get Cheated

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On Tuesday, the ongoing National Conference has released the members of its committees. According to the list, no youth delegate represented in the Committee for devolution of power.

All the committees except three have 24 members each. The Committees on Devolution of Powers and Political Restructuring, and Forms of Government have 28 members each while that on Religion has 18 members.

The committees are Devolution of Powers; Political Restructuring and Forms of Government; National Security; Environment; Politics and Governance; Law, Judiciary; Human Rights and Legal Reform; Social Welfare; and Transportation.

Others are Science, Technology and Development; Agriculture; Civil Society, Labour and Sports; Public Service; Electoral Matters; Foreign Policy and Diaspora Matters; Land Tenure Matters and National Boundary; Trade and Investment; Energy; Religion; Public Finance and Revenue Generation; and Immigration and Related Matters.

Click here to view Committee membership list on Punch

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