Here's today's (30/3/2016) exchange rate of the Nigerian Naira against the Dollar, Pound and Euro:
Dollar (USD) - 199 (CBN rate)/ 321 (Black Market)
Euro (EUR) - 223 (CBN rate) / 355 (Black Market)
Pound (GBP) - 283 (CBN rate) / 455 (Black Market)
On Tuesday, the Naira traded at 323 per USD at the parallel market. It's rate against GBP and EUR remains unchanged.
Source: AbokiFX.com
Dollar (USD) - 199 (CBN rate)/ 321 (Black Market)
Euro (EUR) - 223 (CBN rate) / 355 (Black Market)
Pound (GBP) - 283 (CBN rate) / 455 (Black Market)
On Tuesday, the Naira traded at 323 per USD at the parallel market. It's rate against GBP and EUR remains unchanged.
Source: AbokiFX.com