Metro Nigeria: Naval Officer Refuses to Pay N14,000 Drink Bill, Beats Bar Owner and Stabs Guard


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A naval officer has allegedly stabbed and injured a guard and the owner of a bar at Abule-Odo, Lagos state when he refused to pay the N14,000 bill for drink he took at the tab.

The naval personnel reportedly went to the bar on Valentine ’s Day to drink N14,000 worth of alcohol and afterwards refused to pay the bill on the grounds of his being a naval officer. Efforts by the bar owner to collect the money finally resulted in violence from the naval personnel.

He allegedly beat the bar owner up – and left him with a black eye – and stabbed a guard who tried to rescue the bar owner with a bottle. Eye witnesses say the naval officer stabbed the guard repeatedly in the head with a broken bottle.

A corporal at the Satellite Police Station disclosed that they have arrested the naval personnel and his friends and were detained until the bar owner and the naval authority appealed to the police to release him.

The corporal said the officer blamed his misbehavior on alcohol and promised to pay the money owed.