World Nigeria Ranks Second in the List of The World's Least Sexually Active Countries


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According to data from, Nigeria is top on the list of least sexually active countries, second only to Japan. Here's the list, with excerpts:

1. Japan - "... only 15% of Japanese are happy with their sex lives – perhaps unsurprising, given how little of it they’re having. Another shocking stat; around 45% of women in Japan report that they’re uninterested in – or despise – sexual contact. "

2. Nigeria: "...what’s interesting about Nigeria is that not only are they having sex about as frequently as those in the United States, but their satisfaction rate is at 67%."

3. America: "..this is an interesting number given how sexualized is the media in the States. In an age where the Internet is very influential and porn is generally seen to be rampant in the States, it’s perhaps surprising that only 53% of Americans are having sex weekly ."

4. United Kingdom: "Out of the 55% of the UK residents having sex weekly, and only 40% of Brits are satisfied with what they are getting."

5. Canada - "The northern neighbors of the United States are definitely finding other things to do in the winter snow than having sex."

6. Australia - "Over half of the citizens of Australia are having sex every week… In fact, they even have a party dedicated to overcoming religious influence in politics known as the Australian Sex Party"

7. Singapore: "In Singapore, while 62% of the population is having sex weekly, there’s only a 35% satisfaction rate. Ironically – and a common feature on this list – Singapore is one of the countries that have a booming industry when it comes to the sex business. "

8. Holland - "In a country where prostitution is not only legal, but also regulated, it might be a bit surprising to see this country on the list (and the satisfaction rate sitting at only at 50%)."

9. New Zealand - "Over in New Zealand, only 63% of the Kiwis are getting lucky weekly, so perhaps it’s no surprise that only 43% of the country’s citizens report to be satisfied with their sex lives."

10. Thailand - "Many might be surprised that Thailand is featuring here – after all, the country has a very well known reputation for sex tourism. But alas, only 65% of Thailand’s citizens report having sex weekly."


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