Business Nigeria: 'Why Everybody in NNPC is a Thief' by Feyi Fawehinmi



Following the story about Andrew Yakubu and his dollar stash, I went on a twitter rant (deliberately trying to be provocative).


Naturally a lot of people took me to task saying I was ‘generalising’ and there is no way my claim can be true. Many even gave examples of ‘good’ people in NNPC who live on nothing but their salaries. Some NNPC staffers also protested their innocence and accused me of talking rubbish.

So I want to expand my thoughts by doubling down. Just to be clear, I’m repeating the point — every single person who works in NNPC is a thief. There is not a single good person working there. Not one single good man or woman.

There is a simple question we can ask to test this claim. To paraphrase Donald Trump, these ‘so called good people’ (SCGP) in NNPC, what is the bad thing they are preventing from happening? Or is there any other point of having ‘good’ people in a clearly bad place? We can see the output of NNPC — it is stealing upon brigandage upon larceny upon theft. That is all they do there. In other words, the effect of the SCGPs in NNPC is exactly zero. It is as if they are not there at all because NNPC continues to be what it is, regardless of their presence.
In that sense, it is absolutely correct to say that there is not one single good person in that den of iniquity.

What Is NNPC?

I consider NNPC to be the single worst policy decision ever taken by a Nigerian government in the country’s history since 1960. Perhaps the Land Use Act comes close but the establishment of NNPC stands alone as an incredibly costly mistake.