According to ex President of Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN) and Trade Union Congress (TUC), Comrade Peter Esele, the major problem of the country’s refineries is lack of adequate crude allocation to refine.
Speaking in an interview with The Guardian, he said that the country’s refineries are working, and wondered why crude is not being allocated to Warri Refinery often by the authorities concern.
“The Warri Refinery is not as bad as it is being painted. The major problem is that it has no crude to refine often. Port Harcourt Refinery worked for 21 days in November last year and generated billions of naira. What has happened since then? I cannot confirm, but there is a school of thought which says that the refineries are being painted bad so that they can be sold to some vested interests at a give-away prices.
“Why is crude not allocated to our refineries often, whereas we export crude often to refine abroad? Why do we believe so much in carrying crude outside to refine? This is a food for thought for the incoming government”, he queried.

Speaking in an interview with The Guardian, he said that the country’s refineries are working, and wondered why crude is not being allocated to Warri Refinery often by the authorities concern.
“The Warri Refinery is not as bad as it is being painted. The major problem is that it has no crude to refine often. Port Harcourt Refinery worked for 21 days in November last year and generated billions of naira. What has happened since then? I cannot confirm, but there is a school of thought which says that the refineries are being painted bad so that they can be sold to some vested interests at a give-away prices.
“Why is crude not allocated to our refineries often, whereas we export crude often to refine abroad? Why do we believe so much in carrying crude outside to refine? This is a food for thought for the incoming government”, he queried.