Politics Osinbajo Addresses Northern Traditional Rulers - ''Every part of Nigeria has its own grievances''



Acting President Yemi Osinbajo on Tuesday evening met with Northern Traditional rulers at the Presidential villa.

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During the meeting, Osinbajo told the Traditional rulers that they had a great role to play in checking the divisive tendencies in the country.

“The reason for these series of meetings is well known to all of us; it became necessary in the wake of a spate of divisive statements, in recent months and weeks, pitching the South-East against the North.

“We are all aware of the so-called ‘ultimatum’ issued by a group of Northern youths, asking that all Igbos living in the North vacate the region.

“Before then, there was the clamour, and it’s still on-going, by some south-eastern youths, operating as IPOB and affiliated groups, demanding secession from Nigeria at all costs and by any means.

“In all our previous engagements with Northern and South-Eastern leaders, we all came to the consensus that Nigeria is stronger and better together, and that these hate-filled and divisive rhetoric and agitations are unjustifiable, unacceptable and often times illegal. And I would like to reiterate that today.” he said.

“We must protect each other, put our lives on the line for each other; we were brothers even in the face of death. This is the type of nation we must maintain.

“As royal fathers and leaders, I think you will agree with me that we all have a role to play in countering the voices of divisiveness, and the elements who seek to take us down a bloody path.

“Let us continue to counsel the misguided elements among our youth, who think that ethnic confrontation is a game and that words can be thrown around carelessly without repercussion.’’

“Every part of Nigeria has its own grievances. But these have to be expressed graciously and managed with mutuality rather than with scorn and disdain.

“I would like to assure you all that we are here to listen and to answer, and, very importantly, to reassure everyone that we are committed to the unity of Nigeria, and that upon the foundation of that unity we can together build a prosperous and great country.’’
Acting President should tell himself the simple truth if he is really committed to reunite Nazooria by immediately addressing those critical areas of perceived maginalization. If not Biafra is gone!