Politics Our Vigilance and Nigeria’s Same Sex Marriage Law - The Sun


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Everyone in the world has heard the news by now. Sometime late last year Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan took one of the most courageous and landmark decisions of his Presidency by signing into law the Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act of 2013. Everybody is also aware of the ferocious opposition mounted against the Act both before and after its passage by “gay-friendly” Western nations, led by the United States and Britain.

The contrived uproar against this laudable law seemed to have subsided in the past few weeks. But don’t be fooled. The greatest challenge to the law praised by a wide spectrum of Nigerians has now been mounted in a Nigerian court of law. In a week the world dedicates to the celebration of “April Fool’s Day”, a character named “Teriah Joseph Ebah” marched to the Federal High Court in Abuja and filed a suit challenging the “legality” of the Act that many Nigerians have identified as the red line drawn in the sands of our country’s borders—literally and literarily— against the encroachment of destructive values, mostly from the so-called advanced Western countries.

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Source: The Sun Newspaper


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