Road Traffic Accidents: How To Avoid A Head-On Collision



A head-on collision is one of the most terrifying experiences for drivers. Not only do you have to witness the accident as it occurs, fatality rate is extremely high too. With these few tips, you can learn how to prevent head-on collisions or considerable reduce the probability of you being in one


Why do head-on collisions happen?

Often, head-on collisions occur because of distractions, fatigue, intoxication, and bad decision-making on the part of the drivers involved. Windy roads are also a factor sometimes.

How to avoid head-on collisions

The first basic precaution is to pay attention. Even if the other drivers on the road are drowsy, distracted, drunk, or whatever the case, you will have more time to react. If you are fully aware of your surroundings, you’ll be able to see the driver swerving down the road. Turn on your headlights to bring the driver’s attention to your presence, even during the day. They’ll begin to think about the other cars on the road. But be prepared to drive into the shoulder if they continue to swerve toward you.

Also, never straddle the center line. This is inviting trouble. Drive in the right lane in multi-lane traffic areas. Drive in the right lane in multi-lane traffic areas, and if you are in the left, drive as close to the right as is safe. This is particularly true of curvy roads, so you can avoid the driver speeding around the bend toward you.

What to do if you’re faced with a head-on collision

Sometimes head-on collisions are unavoidable despite your best precautionary efforts. There are actions to take in that situation that can reduce the risk of collision, or lessen the impact.

  • Reduce your speed. Don’t allow yourself to lose control by braking so suddenly that you skid, but slow down as much as is safely possible. If there is an impact, this will greatly reduce the damage done and the risk of fatality.
  • Drive to the right. Ditches and shoulders are always better to collide with than other vehicles. If the driver is swerving into your lane and you’ve reduced your speed, drive toward the right of the road. This increases the odds of the other driver going right by you, rather than colliding with you. Also, the driver may realize his or her mistake and quickly try to correct the situation. In that case, you want to be as far right as possible, rather than left.
  • Be prepared. If you have to drive to the right, don’t wait until the last second to do so. If you begin leaning to the right before the other car is directly in front of you, you have a higher chance of avoiding colliding with a solid object. If you must hit a solid object, try for a light glance off of it at the side of your car. Don’t hit it head-on. Remember that you may have some damage done to your car, but it will certainly be better than a head-on.
Good luck!!

Culled From Here