World Saudi: Men Get Jail Terms Plus 2000 Lashes for Public Naked Dancing



A Saudi court in Buraydah, Qassim’s provincial capital has sentenced four men to up to 10 years in prison and 2000 lashes for dancing "naked'' in public.

The four were charged with "dancing on a vehicle in public and posting a video online, encouraging vice, defying norms of the society and violating public morals,'' according to Al-Sharq newspaper.

In a video posted on YouTube, several men appear dancing atop a vehicle in the ultra-conservative province of Qassim.

None of them seemed to be naked according to theNational.

The court sentenced one defendant to 10 years in prison and 2000 lashes, and another to seven years in prison and 1200 lashes.

Their two companions were jailed for three years and sentenced to 500 lashes each.

Those men should know better....when you live in a place where religion is 'secular' you must learn how to conform