Scientists Identify a More Aggressive HIV Strain in West Africa

Sandra Chiefe

A team of Swedish based scientists have discovered a progressively faster strain of HIV which transforms into AIDS more than 2 years faster than previous strains identified. Dubbed the A3/02, it is said to derive from two most common strains of HIV originating from Guinea-Bissau.

Published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, the strain has been described to the public as a recombinant and emerges when one person becomes infested by two different strains, fusing the DNA and creating a new strain of HIV.

Though researchers have warned that this new HIV strain may possess the ability to spread more rapidly than previous strains identified, they held no fears on the ability of present drugs available to treat this particular strain, saying, “The good news is that as far as we know, the medicines that are available today are equally functional on all different subtypes of variants."