Metro Senator Shehu Sani Talks Tough On Arrest of PREMIUM TIMES Publisher, Journalist



Senator Shehu Sani has condemned the arrest of Dapo Olorunyomi, the PREMIUM TIMES Publisher and a journalist Evelyn Okakwu, on Thursday.

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“The increasing raids and arrests of Journalists by security agents points to a nation repulsive and allergic to free press and slowly gravitating towards authoritarianism,” Mr. Sani said in a statement Friday.

“Free press is sacrosanct. Elements in or out of Government intolerant to free speech and free press belong to the dark ages of military dictatorship.

“Attacks on the media damages the image of a nation and stains the credibility of its Government. The very media that championed our journey to freedom should not be rewarded with chains and shackles.

“It’s too early for those on the throne to forget their days in the trenches, when the media held the torch that alighted our path, through the dark and dicey path of struggle for change.”