Metro The BOWEN Shocker - The Sun Newspaper


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How Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, one of Nigeria’s private universities, became the first to experience student riot. Is this a wake-up call?

One hundred level students of the Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, return to the campus today to resume a ruptured academic semester after a three-week forced break imposed by the university authorities, in the aftermath of the students riot in protest of alleged obnoxious official policies and harrowing living conditions occasioned by incessant power outage and water shortage, about three weeks ago.Final year students of the university had earlier been allowed in exactly a week ago, in a staggered resumption schedule said to be aimed at forestalling possible re-launch of the violent demonstration in which over N11 million school property including buildings, vehicles, as well as shops and goods belonging to individuals and traders on campus, were vandalized.

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Source: The Sun


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