There are “Thousands” Of ‘Goodluck Jonathans’ On Twitter, but which is the Real GEJ?


Social Member
Until now, we haven’t been able to tell for sure. What with the numerous accounts claiming to belong to President Goodluck Jonathan (and with none of them being verified to shame the impostors), nobody could say for sure which was really GEJ’s handle or if he was even on Twitter at all.


The Motley Group of GEJ Impostors
Mercifully, the issue has been laid to rest by Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, a lawyer, OAP and Twitter ‘kingpin’. On January 22nd, 2014, @Ebuka set fingers to device and tweeted: “President Jonathan’s bio in the @wef handbook here in @davos lists his twitter handle as @JGoodlucktweets.”

Whew. What a relief, eh? The next question is: why hasn’t the good president tweeted since 2011? He probably prefers Facebook as this OurOwnArea video hilariously posits.
