TopCheck, the insurance price comparison website that very recently announced a $1.1m in funding, is currently giving away Third Party Motor Covers for the first week of the month of September.
The promo is part of a broader campaign which the company named #TopCheckCrazySeptember.
Currently focusing their operations around Motor Insurance, the company decided to give away the minimum required cover by law for vehicle owners.
"There’s a rising demand for motor insurance in Nigeria. People are more aware of its importance" co-founder Jose Figueiredo explains, "but after buying a car, probably there’s not much money left to buy an insurance cover. This is a decision we may end up regreting in the future though."
Interested candidates can get more information from the company's facebook page.
The promo is part of a broader campaign which the company named #TopCheckCrazySeptember.
Currently focusing their operations around Motor Insurance, the company decided to give away the minimum required cover by law for vehicle owners.
"There’s a rising demand for motor insurance in Nigeria. People are more aware of its importance" co-founder Jose Figueiredo explains, "but after buying a car, probably there’s not much money left to buy an insurance cover. This is a decision we may end up regreting in the future though."
Interested candidates can get more information from the company's facebook page.