Politics Tunde Bakare Backs Sanusi, Says He Should Have Blown the Whistle Earlier on the Missing $20 billion


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The controversial Pastor Tunde Bakare of the Latter Rain Assembly who is also the convener of the Save Nigeria Group, unequivocally showed his support for the suspended CBN governor Mallam Lamido Sanusi, praising the embattled man for his exemplary courage.

During his church sermon on Sunday, Bakare said: “Few men have the aristocratic dignity of a man who time and again, while in public office, raised his voice against profligacy and monetary imprudence especially among the legislators and sometimes among the executive.”

He however noted that Sanusi delayed in blowing the whistle on the missing $20 billion case. He stated that the time the CBN, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Petroleum Resources, PPPRA, the NNPC and other agencies first submitted conflicting figures would have been the best time for Sanusi to have blown the whistle on them.

Making an adage “aitete m’ole, ole m’oloko,” (“when the owner of the farm delays in apprehending the thief, the thief will apprehend the farm owner and label him the thief”), Bakare rationalized: “Perhaps Sanusi Lamido Sanusi at the time did not have the facts he now has; perhaps, cautious and tactical in his fight against the corrupt system, he was conscious of the sensitivity of his office especially as regards the need to preserve the stability of the economy; perhaps, he had waited for a more appropriate time; whatever the case, aitetem’ole, ole m’oloko.”