Metro Uganda: Lawmakers Call For Production Of Bigger Condoms For Youths



Uganda lawmakers have demanded for the production of bigger condoms that will be sizeable for the sexual organs of their youths.

The lawmakers say that the condoms made available in the country is small compared to the size of their youths sexual organs, thus the need for a bigger condom.

The lawmakers are worried that the small condoms might be prone in contaminating sexually transmitted diseases, STD, or HIV AIDS, therefore demand for the production of bigger condoms in order to protect them.

According to lawmaker Medard Bitekyerezo, Mbarara Municipality, MP, ” The condoms in the country are small, their organs can not fit in, so that is why we request for a bigger condom for them.”

Similarly, lawmaker, Tom Aza Moy, said, ” I have proved this, people around here have bigger sexual organs and therefore they should be considered in producing bigger condoms to protect them.” Uganda senators have called upon the national drug authorities in the country to look into the issue properly and make sure that perfect condoms are produced for the country.


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