Metro Video: The Actual Attack of Boko Haram Insurgents Against Giwa Barracks in Borno


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On the 14th of March, 2014, members of the Boko Haram terrorist group launched an attack on Giwa Barracks in Maiduguri, Borno State. The mission was to free many of their members who had been captured and held in the detention facilities in the barracks.

The resultant carnage was something else: scores of people were killed, both from the insurgents’ camp and from the army base as each side engaged in a gun battle.

Most remarkable is the fact that the attack was videoed by the insurgents, thus showing the world that these insurgents have more sophisticated fire-power than we [perhaps] originally imagined.

Click the link below to watch the full video.

[DISCLAIMER: This video has been posted not to promote this group, their objectives, actions or agenda, nor has this video been uploaded to serve as entertainment. Nigerian Bulletin does not in any way sympathize with nor condone any and all actions perpetuated by this group and its factions. The main purpose for this video upload is to educate the masses about terrorism and political violence in the world, keenly felt in Nigeria, so we may realize the import, how it may affect us and hopefully, strive to put an end to these senseless crimes against humanity.]

Click here to watch the video


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