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In a shocking turn of events, bandits raided Confluence University of Science and Technology (CUSTEC) in Kogi State, abducting students amidst exam preparations. Chaos erupted as gunmen infiltrated lecture halls, prompting urgent calls for enhanced campus security.

Bandits stormed the Confluence University of Science and Technology (CUSTEC) in Kogi State, abducting students who were preparing for upcoming exams. The attackers, armed and numbering several, infiltrated the campus around 9:00 p.m., firing shots and trapping students in three lecture halls.

Despite efforts by security personnel, some students were abducted, causing chaos and panic among the student body. While the Vice Chancellor confirmed the incident, he refrained from disclosing the number of students taken.

Authorities, including the Commissioner of Police and State Security Adviser, remained unavailable for comments as efforts to reach them were unsuccessful. The university community is left grappling with the aftermath of the abduction, emphasizing the urgent need for heightened security measures to ensure the safety of students and staff.