Susan Ugbangha (1).jpeg
A Nigerian woman's shocking account of her husband's neglect during a difficult pregnancy and delivery, including misusing funds for her C-section, has sparked nationwide outrage and calls for action.

A heart-wrenching tale of a woman's struggle during childbirth and her husband's shocking negligence has gripped Nigeria on social media. The woman, identified as Susan Ubangha, took to Twitter to share her ordeal, sparking outrage and an outpouring of support from Nigerians. Ubangha revealed that during the 35th week of her pregnancy, she developed severe shortness of breath, prompting hospitalization. While doctors advised a Cesarean section due to risks to her and the unborn child, her husband refused, citing a lack of funds for the procedure.

Despite her precarious condition, he insisted on discharging her against medical advice. Ubangha's health rapidly deteriorated at home, and she was rushed back to the hospital, where doctors determined an emergency C-section was necessary to save their lives.

In a desperate plea, a kind stranger sent Ubangha 500,000 Naira to cover the surgery costs. However, in a shocking betrayal, her husband allegedly misused the funds, spending them on a phone and a dog instead of his wife's life-saving treatment. Ubangha's sister-in-law intervened, paying for the C-section, while her husband reportedly abandoned her and their newborn daughter at the hospital, leaving them stranded with mounting medical bills and no means to pay.

Sharing graphic images of her swollen legs and medical reports, Ubangha's harrowing account has sparked a groundswell of outrage and calls for action against her husband's alleged cruelty.

Nigerians on Twitter expressed disbelief and condemnation, with some questioning how a man could neglect his wife and newborn child in such a dire situation. Others offered prayers and emotional support, vowing to assist Ubangha in any way possible.

The incident has reignited discussions on women's rights, domestic violence, and the need for better support systems for expectant mothers, particularly in cases of spousal neglect or abuse.