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Catholic Bishop Kukah urges President Tinubu to address Nigerian concerns and improve communication regarding policy outcomes. Highlighting unintended pains from policy decisions, Kukah stresses the importance of government prioritizing citizen welfare and security. His remarks come amidst ongoing challenges facing the nation, urging for clarity and engagement with the populace.

Catholic Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah of Sokoto Diocese recently voiced concerns about the challenges facing Nigerians during a meeting with President Bola Tinubu. Kukah urged Tinubu to engage with the people and communicate when his policies would yield positive results.

Emphasizing the need for national cohesion, Kukah highlighted the unintentional pain caused by certain policy decisions and stressed the importance of government prioritizing the welfare and security of citizens.

Regarding Tinubu's one-year administration, Kukah acknowledged the difficult circumstances but emphasized the importance of continuous efforts to build a better society. He called for improved communication from the government to provide clarity on the timeline for addressing pressing issues.

Additionally, Kukah commented on the political crisis in Rivers State, urging caution and expressing hope for a resolution by politicians themselves.