Metro LAUTECH to be Reopened on Friday After 9 Months of Closure



Jacob Agboola, the Registrar of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, LAUTECH, has announced that the varsity will recommence academic operations on Friday.

This is coming after the sum of N500m was approved for the payment of workers salaries.

The school was shut down 9 months ago following a decision by workers to go on strike to protest non-payment of their salaries. Students of the institution staged several protests and battled with Oyo state governor Abiola Ajimobi over the issue.

However, all seems to have been settled now. In a statement, Agboola said:

"All staff and students are hereby informed that the university will reopen for normal activities on Friday, January 27, 2017. All students who have yet to complete their registration are to ensure that they do so and pay their tuition fees during the revision week. On behalf of the governing council, state and management, headed by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. A. S. Gbadegesin, we wish you all the best."



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