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In a tragic incident in Masvingo, Zimbabwe, a 26-year-old man allegedly killed his friend over a dispute about sharing beer. The community is left reeling as details emerge about the fatal altercation. The accused has been brought before the court, and the case is expected to shed light on the circumstances surrounding the shocking incident.

In a small community in Chief Chikwanda area, Masvingo, Zimbabwe, tragedy unfolded when Tanaka Maringire, 26, allegedly killed his friend, Jefrees Mukonzi, during a dispute over beer-sharing.

The incident occurred on May 11, 2024, at a local bar in Rumwanda business center. Mukonzi, along with friends Tichaona Makuvisa and Philmon Mugovera, was enjoying drinks with Maringire. However, tensions arose when Mukonzi refused to share a beer with Maringire as their supply dwindled.

An attempt to defuse the situation by playing snooker led to another confrontation when Makuvisa accidentally touched the table. Maringire responded aggressively, striking Makuvisa with a cue stick. Mukonzi intervened, but Maringire, consumed by rage, assaulted him with a plank from a broken chair. The brutal attack left Mukonzi with severe injuries, prompting him to seek help outside the bar.

Despite efforts to revive him, Mukonzi remained unconscious and was rushed to Chipinda Clinic and later to Masvingo Provincial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Maringire was arrested and appeared before the Masvingo Magistrates Court on murder charges, remanded in custody until the next hearing on May 29, 2024.

The case has sent shockwaves through the community, prompting reflection on the consequences of alcohol-fueled violence.