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The Edo father arrested for posting obscene photos of his 4-year-old daughter online has stunningly defended his actions, saying he wanted to make her a "celebrity model."

The Nigerian man arrested for sexually exploiting his 4-year-old daughter by posting obscene photos of her online has sparked revulsion across Nigeria after defending his depraved actions by saying he simply wanted the toddler to become a "celebrity model."

The shocking justification came to light after video footage emerged showing the unidentified father being paraded by authorities following his arrest last week for the horrific exploitation of his young daughter. When questioned about why he had taken and shared the disturbing images, the man nonchalantly stated: "I want her to become a celebrity model."

The man's twisted "ambitions" for fame on behalf of his infant daughter have appalled Nigerians across the country. Many have expressed disgust, condemning his actions as unforgivable abuse of a helpless child. "This guy is not well," one person commented, while others questioned where the child's mother was and why she failed to intervene or report the man's behavior. Some urged severe punishment, with one writing

"They should load him" - Nigerian slang referring to a lengthy prison sentence. However, others argued the man seemed to lack any comprehension of how depraved his exploitation truly was. "He needs rehabilitation cos on his own he lacks comprehension of his actions," one observer noted. "If released he would do worse to that child."

The responses highlighted the psychological damage that can result from a young person being sexualized, with many lamenting the systemic struggles young Nigerian girls face growing up in a patriarchal society. "To be a girl in this country is not easy. Thank God for good fathers," one commenter wrote. "Who sexualizes their child like that?"

The incident has also sparked scrutiny around the broader societal issues that enable and perpetuate child exploitation, including poverty, lack of education, moral decadence and the corrosive influences of social media. "If everyone here had minded their business, this man wouldn't have been arrested and he would go on to do worse to the little girl," one Nigerian noted, crediting community engagement for helping halt the abuse.

While questions remain about whether the man will face criminal prosecution, the outrage ignited by his justification for exploiting his daughter shows the line he crossed. For most Nigerians, using one's child as a vehicle for personal gratification or fame is an unacceptable depravity that warrants severe repercussions - not excuses about "celebrity modeling."