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Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, known for his evangelical preaching, recently made controversial remarks regarding vaccines during a sermon broadcast on his church's YouTube channel in February. Dressed in his signature closed-neck suit, Pastor Chris directly addressed the camera, stating, "no proof exists to show that vaccines ever work."

The sixty-year-old preacher accused others of lying about vaccinations, and spreading anti-vaccine messages to his followers. A review of dozens of his sermons from 2023 and 2024 by the BBC revealed Pastor Chris specifically targeting the new malaria vaccine being distributed in African countries.

Malaria remains a significant health concern in Africa, with approximately 95% of malaria-related deaths occurring on the continent in 2022, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Children under five years old accounted for around 80% of these deaths.

Pastor Chris's remarks have sparked controversy and raised concerns about the spread of misinformation regarding vaccines, particularly in regions where diseases like malaria pose significant threats to public health.