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The newly confirmed minister, Abbas Balarabe, has attributed his collapse during the senate screening to exhaustion. Speaking to reporters, the minister-designate revealed that he received the news of his nomination just a day before the screening and had spent the entire night preparing for the event.

Balarabe explained, "It is basically exhaustion. I got the news of my nomination yesterday, and I had to come from Kaduna. There were so many things to do which I attended to throughout the night. What happened today is as a result of pure exhaustion."

He expressed gratitude to the Senate, especially the senators from his home state of Kaduna, for their understanding and support during the ordeal. Balarabe also acknowledged the medical team that attended to him and assured everyone that he is now in good health.

He concluded, "I am alright now, nothing is wrong with me. What I experienced was pure exhaustion, which can happen to anybody.